NSON side event – Wind Europe Offshore, Copenhagen 28 November 2019

This side event s organized jointly by the international NSON research collaboration supporting its purpose to advance the realisation of an efficient and secure offshore wind power and energy transmission system in the Northern Sea Region. It was organized in two parts: an international expert workshop and a stakeholder panel session.

The international expert workshop included the following presentations:

  • Introduction to NSON and to the side event. Poul Sørensen, Technical University of Denmark
  • NSON-DK energy systems scenarios. Matti Koivisto, Technical University of Denmark
  • Market operation and balancing with future massive offshore wind power. Kaushik Das, Technical University of Denmark
  • NSON-DK WP4: System Adequacy.  Lars Bregnbæk, Ea Energy Analyses
  • Experiences and prospects of German NSON activities towards cost-efficient offshore wind connection and international integration. Denis Mende, Fraunhofer IEE
  • North Sea Offshore Grid –Norwegian perspective and grid optimisation research. Harald Svendsen, SINTEF.
  • Regulatory Challenges in the Development of Offshore Electrical Networks. Callum MacIver, University of Strathclyde. 

The stakeholder panel session included the following participants who also gave short presentations:

  • A Danish Energy Island? Rasmus Zink Sørensen, Danish Energy Agency
  • Modular Hub-and-Spoke concept to facilitate large scale offshore wind. Peter Godt-Larsen, North Sea Wind Power Hub / Energinet
  • A wind turbine manufacture perspective. Finn Daugaard Madsen, Innovation Manager, Siemens Gamesa 

You can find all the presentations on the following page


Poul Ejnar Sommer Sørensen
DTU Wind
+45 21 36 27 66