Webinar on scenarios for North Sea energy systems development, 19 January 2017

Webinar on scenarios for North Sea energy systems development, 19 January 2017

The purpose of this workshop was to share scenarios and underlying information between the NSON partners in Denmark, Germany and Norway, and to include the scenario work in Energinet.dk

The webinar presentations are listed below. Click on the presentation title to see the presentation:

Welcome – Introduction to NSON-DK and workshop. Poul Sørensen, DTU

NSON-DK scenarios. Thure Traber & Matti Koivisto, DTU

Energinet.dk scenarios. Anders Bavnhøj Hansen, Energinet.dk

German NSON scenarios. Philipp Härtel, Fraunhofer IWES

• Norwegian NSON scenarios. Magnus Korpås, NTNU